
Showing posts from April, 2021

Good morning, sunshine

Beautiful sunrise this morning as the sun rose over a band of clouds that were guarding the horizon.  Will have to add this to the Sunrise and Sunset gallery at
This path leads to a quiet beach nearby.  It’s a great place to take photos of the beach, lake and sky.

Lightning Over Lake Ontario

The weather forecast is calling for storms in the next couple of days.  Hopefully I will get a chance to shoot  more lightning pics.  It's been a while since I've seen and photographed a fun electrical storm.  

Fire in the Sky

Clouds are the canvass on which the colours from a sunrise or sunset get painted.  This sunrise picture may be found in the Sunrise and Sunset gallery’s at

Honey Harbour Sunrise

This sunrise was taken at Honey Harbour, Ontario about a month ago.  A peaceful morning watching the ducks swim along a small inlet from Georgian Bay.  


Meet “Spike”, the name of our resident cactus.

Orchid Time

“Orchid Time” was an entry in the “It’s About Time” photo assignment from the Grimsby Photo Group. It shows beautiful orchid flowers, each having a clock face.  This photo may be found in the Special Effects gallery at

Spring Getting Closer

Following on from yesterday's post, here is another simulated 'spring has arrived' shot.  Same photo techniques were used as described in the previous post.

Spring is here?

Spring is here!  Well maybe everything is not quite as it appears.  What looks like a branch on a tree outside is actually a twig in my kitchen.  The background flowers in the sunshine are actually a different photo that I had framed and it is resting on a kitchen chair behind the twig.  And the water droplets are not really water, but rather glycerine which is easier to photograph as it stays in place longer.   I did this setup for the 'macro' assignment at the Grimsby Photo Group.  

Love Bug

Is there such a thing as a 'love bug'?  This little fellow with the big heart (on his back) was scurrying around my outside table the other day and I chased him for this macro shot.

Power Circuit

Macro photography is fun. Here is a close up of an electronic circuit that I shot while working on a recent 'macro' assignment from the Grimsby Photo Club.  This, and other macro photos, may be found in the Special Effects gallery at

Electric Night

It was a dark and stormy night - with plenty of lightning in the sky over Lake Ontario.  A framed version of this lightning shot was featured recently at the Grimsby Public Art Gallery as part of an exhibition by the Grimsby Photo Group.  It may be found in the "Special Effects" gallery at
 Sunrise over Lake Ontario a few minutes ago.  I’ll have to add this to the “Sunrises and Sunsets” gallery at

Keeping Warm

Sometimes you need a nice firepit to stay warm on a cool evening! Listen to the crackling fire, watch the flames and sparks, feel the warmth, and smell the logs burning.


  Ok, maybe not as suspended as it looks, this sliced apple photo was indeed taken from the top down as the slices lay in a light box.  It was submitted to the “slice” assignment of the month from the Grimsby Photo Group.  This photo may be found in the “Special Effects” gallery at

Night Light

The moon casts a nice glow on Lake Ontario in this shot.  More photos of Lake Ontario may be found in the “By the Water” gallery at
This is one of Venice's hard working gondoliers. The shot was taken from inside his gondola while he propelled us along the Grand Canal. This, and other Venice photos, may be found in the Italy collection within the Europe Gallery at

Sign of Spring

Just like Robins on the hunt for worms, these crocuses are a sure sign of Spring arriving.  Spring flower photos like this may be found in the "Flora" gallery at
This is one of many bee photos taken one day at the beautiful Butchart Gardens outside Victoria, British Columbia.  It was taken on macro and it appears in the “Nature” gallery at  


Somebody left this lovely set of cairns on a local beach and they made for a nice foreground with Lake Ontario in behind. The photo may be found in the “By the Water” gallery at


Don’t be fooled by the friendly face. This guy was nasty and will bite the hand who feeds him. The photo was shot at Rooster Cogburn - Ostrich Ranch and Petting Zoo in Picacho, Arizona. The photo may be found in the “Nature” gallery at


From the “Architecture” gallery at, the photo of this beautiful building was taken in Osaka Japan.   

Grimsby at the End of the Rainbow

A framed copy of this photo, "Grimsby at the End of the Rainbow", was included in a recent photo exhibition at the Grimsby Public Art Gallery. It may also be found in the “By The Water” gallery at  


I don't photograph many house pets but this has to be my all-time favourite dog photo.  Here we have a photogenic "Timber" playing in a stream.  I entered this photo into the Grimsby Photo Group's recent assignment of the month with the theme "Wet and Wild".  This and other animals may be found in the "Nature" gallery at  

Snowy Niagara

We can say farewell to snow and ice now Canadian spring is well under way.  But before we do that, here is a look at Niagara Falls in a photo taken last month.  This is one of many winter Niagara Falls photos in the Waterfalls gallery at

Bora Bora

One early morning outside our overwater bungalow at Le Méridien Bora Bora resort, the lighting was perfect and the decks had been freshly rinsed by the hotel staff giving a nice reflection of the blue sky overhead.  This, and related photos, may be found in the South Pacific collection at

Rialto Bridge

Venice is such an amazing place with so many wonderful sights.  This is the famous Rialto Bridge, the oldest of the four bridges that cross the Grand Canal.  From its humble beginnings as a pontoon bridge in 1173, it has been rebuilt several times over the centuries.  This photo is part of the Italy set in the Europe collection at 


Our summer home in Canada faces east and provides a great opportunity to shoot sunrises.  Our winter home in Arizona faces west and we get the best sunsets there.  I never get tired of sunrise and sunset photos which is why I have a "Sunrise and Sunset" gallery at  This photo is from this morning with a view east over Lake Ontario.  It has now been uploaded to the gallery. 

Eye of the Needle

Macro photography is so much fun.  This shot was another submitted in the Grimsby Photo Group's macro assignment of the month.   It is taken with the Camera+ 2 app on an iPhone 11 pro max which also has a clip on macro lens. The triangle forms in the shot and coloured spools in the blurred background add to the photo.  This photo may be found in the Special Effects gallery at

Upper Beamer

We are lucky to live near the famous Niagara Falls. However, there are many, many not as famous waterfalls in the area.  This will be the first of many different waterfalls that I will post in the Waterfalls gallery at